Do you like Cousa Mihshe as much as you like Fish and Chips? Are you curently residing in two cultral hemisphers, walking a fine line between what is and is not ok with your teta or mama or any other family member, community or country?
Do you belong to your own cultural party, mixing and matching the best bits of life's mojo juice ? Is your Arabic a bit pigeon but full of good intentions?

If you ancwered yes to one or more of these questions chances are, it's safe to keep reading and you fnd its your perfect cup of tea, or Nescafe ma Halib

Tuesday, 23 March 2010


If you were anywhere near my facebook page these last few weeks you could not have missed the murmur of enthusiasm I shared for the Batoota Films/ZicoHouse/BBC World Trusts Web drama ‘Shankaboot’ that unveiled this week to a curious crowd.

A true Lebanese production with all the passion and can –do spirit that could light up a city – I have been finding it hard to resisit telling everyone young and old to check it out. What makes this production a land mark on Arabia’s media history is not only the fact that it is the first of it's kind but more so, that it is a cross colaboration between a diverse range of talented sparks who have joined the dots to stitch a wonderful peice of media fabric, that refuses to look like a Turkish or syrian soap opera, isnt a goofy FTV/MTV animation, and is proud of it.

Unafraid to tred new ground, the sucess of shankaboot could arguably be due to a number of factors. For some it may work thanks to the delicious filming and editing, or the amazing soundtrack, and its true that they are frankly refreshing to say the least. For me ,its the desolate lovable and belivable characters that brighten my day along side the viewers of this new webdrama that remind me things are still possible in a part of the world that keeps being draged around. A refreshing face of a city that refuses to go quietly.

I love Ruwaida for her verve and vulnerability
I love Sulieman for his outrageously warm nature and ability to walk the line between morality and darkness
I love Chadi’s warped compassion and smooth charm that makes it impossible to hate him and abu Zuhair... well, if you have lived in beirut, you must have had your own version of over meddling gatekeeper.

With an army of over 3,000 fans to date and rising, its going to be intresting to see what impact Shankaboot will have on its avaid viewers. Fingers crossed the crowd stays curious, as the characters take on a life of their own and get transformed with every webisode and click of the mouse that views them. I for one will be cheering them all the way!

No comments:

big up the Banksy

well did you know...

well did you know...
No pressure then!

list of all the things a part time arab my worry about

  • to que or not que ... that is the question
  • how do I say....
  • how manny cousins do I have?
  • should one say Bleease or Please when in the motherland?
  • not being Arabic enough
  • being too Arabic