Do you like Cousa Mihshe as much as you like Fish and Chips? Are you curently residing in two cultral hemisphers, walking a fine line between what is and is not ok with your teta or mama or any other family member, community or country? Do you belong to your own cultural party, mixing and matching the best bits of life's mojo juice ? Is your Arabic a bit pigeon but full of good intentions?If you ancwered yes to one or more of these questions chances are, it's safe to keep reading and you fnd its your perfect cup of tea, or Nescafe ma Halib
Sunday, 17 August 2008
calling all part time Arabs
Not quite English enough to be British, yet definitely not Lebanese enough to be a Phoenician or a full time Arab...Like a huge number of the world’s population - I am part timing on both sides, sliding in and out of each culture with the blinking of an eye. I take the best bits from both and use them at my leisure, raising my eyebrows at the bits that don’t make sense, or do not work for me in my map of the world. I can ask questions and think for myself yet I exist within a culture that thrills me. I am clued up on politics and yet it is not the ruler of my life, dictating who I befriend or don't. I speak fluent English and pigeon Arabic and think in both languages. I love Zaatar as much as I Love Piccadilly chutney.I am new to planet blog and am thrilled to come across so Manny amazing blogs created by full and Part time Arabs and all those in between! I would love to hear from you, as I feel I am not alone in my part timeliness. Thanks for popping in and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
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well did you know...
list of all the things a part time arab my worry about
- to que or not que ... that is the question
- how do I say....
- how manny cousins do I have?
- should one say Bleease or Please when in the motherland?
- not being Arabic enough
- being too Arabic